Thursday 28 April 2016

A Question Of Style

I haven't been writing quite as much as before, as I've been a little bit down lately, but have been trying to drag myself around a bit in spite of it all.  Good thing I managed to go out, as today I made some new duck friends at a semi-hidden pond near my place. This sent me into spirals of excitement, of course!  I also met a lovely cat that was a tad skittish so didn't manage to get a photo. Even though I'm usually a bit of a magnet for cats, he was just too shy.  Well, who can blame him?  I run away from people too!  While this isn't exactly Morrissey news, I thought you might all like to admire the ducks:

Moving onto today's topic, I was going to post this a couple of days ago but became absolutely infuriated and incensed by a couple of articles I read that criticized the outpouring of grief after Prince's death, so needed to unleash my fury onto the keyboard, which I did over at my MTearfull blog.  

But now for a less dark topic, on Tuesday night I thought it might be fun to create a few Twitter polls between sips (more accurately, gulps) of red wine. The first one was just a fun little poll asking people how many photos of Morrissey they've collected on their mobile.  I seem to remember having this conversation once in the queue, and many of us were well into the 100's.  The results on Twitter were pretty much SPLIT THREE WAYS (sings). While this is fun to sing, it's somewhat statistically uninteresting.  Someone beat my old record of 926, with over 1400, and I'm guessing that there are possibly others who have over 1000:

Now, let's move on to the poll that had more interesting results, which was a question of fashion and style. Oscar Wilde once said, "you can never be overdressed or overeducated" and who could argue with Oscar? So, this time I decided to ask about shirt choice, and as you know, I've reported on similar matters of such importance before, with Boozey and the shirt toss countdown, and with the cardigan countdown.  Moz is, of course, a good looking man about town who is remarkably dressed, so it was difficult to narrow down to just a few choices, as Twitter polls only allow you four categories. Without further ado, here were the choices:

1. Shiny 

2. Floral

3. Ruffled

4. The ever-vague Other (Please Specify)

The results were as follows: 
Out of 38 votes, Floral was the runaway winner with 61% of the votes.

I also received some write-in votes for this charming man in ...
A white shirt and the classic cardigan (be still my heart):

I was surprised to see no one wrote in votes for some of the interesting tshirts Mozza sometimes wears.  For instance, the American Idol one, or the Playboy one, or the Immaculate Conception tshirt:

As a bit of a reward for you Floral-shirted Moz lovers out there, I thought I'd post  photos of some favourites of mine:

From 25 Live:

With white denim (in LA I think): very nice, very nice, very nice:

This velvety one is oh-so-dashing:

From Chatty Man 2015:

South America 2015 was fabulous for Floral (arriving with incredible style and in concert):

There was even one in South America paired with what I believe to be a cardigan (be still my heart again!):

And of course, this one from The Boy With The Thorn In His Side from the 80's:

Now I'm off to pour over and weep over my copy of Wuthering Heights while at work.  Speaking of books, I've been checking amazon UK nearly every day to see if it has any info on who is narrating the List of the Lost audiobook, to be out at the end of June.  I'm really looking forward to it!


  1. Really enjoyed this Marianne,as per.Entertaining and light humoured.Sort like a mini Moz magazine.My favourite shirt is in there,I think it's the Hollywood High School one.And yes it would be interesting to see who narrates List of the lost.Keep on posting your work,your writing just feels solid,if that's the right term to use.It has an interesting pull that that just draws you in.Thanks.

    1. Thank you so much Pete I really appreciate it; glad you enjoyed it. It's so hard to choose but I think my favourite is the chatty man shirt. Probably a little too because it reminds me of being in London last year - and he looks divine in it. He's definitely got exquisite taste!
      Sometimes I can't believe I have 3 actual pieces of his shirt!

  2. And as usual my comments have come out with the spacing slightly strange.But you get the idea.
